Monday, September 28, 2009

On A Quick Note

I had a really good weekend. What made it so good was 1. I talked to my cousin Connie in Kansas. We hadn't talked in years. It was really good to hear from you Connie-thanks!; and 2nd- I reconnected with most of my old 'click from way back  when I was in the Explorer Post and we were in high school. I hadn't been in contact with any of them in over 25 years. It all started by going to a website for my highschool alma matter, -John A. Rowland. I found an email address for one of my old friends We then connected on Facebook. And from there ,like Facebook will do, it just branched out. Anyway, I need to do some follow up now,and get a couple phone numbers. But it's great to be back in touch with old friends. Some of these which go back to middle school.(Which we called junior high or intermediate school in my day).

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