Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Happy Tuesday! We had a nice cooler day her on Monday. High of 75 for a change, instead of 95, and the nights are nice and cool, in the low 50"s. Fall is on the way! So , last night I was on the computer, (like pretty much always)', and I found a place to build your own website. for free! http://www.yola.com/ . So I am going to play around and see if it comes out OK. May take me a few weeks, I don't know. I learn as I go on all this blog and web stuff. And man, have I learned a ton. Anyway, I will keep you posted on how the website is coming. it's hosted through Yola, so I don't know. If I can make it look pretty good and semi-professional, then I will put it up. If not then I won't. I don't want a junky looking website.

Also ,I am working on trying to offer you something for free, whether it be a little recipe book , or something like that, but again, I am learning as I go, and this area will definately be a new learning area for me. But hopefully I will have something for you in the next few weeks.
I want to be able to show my appreciation for all your support!

Hey, ya'll have really good day, and again ,thanks for reading my blog.-Kent

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